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This component addresses the problem to merge a nested, and sometimes complicated, object structure, with one ore many others objects.

obj1      = { foo:{ bar:'baz' } },
obj2      = { foo:{ baz:'qux' } },
deepmerge = core.locate('core/deepmerge')

deepmerge.merge(obj1, obj2)

In above example, after merge, obj1 will hold the following value.


As shown by the example above, the merge method extends the object obj1 with the attributes from obj2, without replacing the foo reference in obj1 with the foo reference in obj2.

Merge arrays

Deepmerge inclusive will extend an array found in one object with the values in another array of the other object, as shown in the example below.

obj1      = { foo:['bar'] },
obj2      = { foo:['baz'] },
deepmerge = core.locate('core/deepmerge')

deepmerge.mergeInclusive(obj1, obj2)

In above example, after merge, obj1 will hold the following value.

  foo: ['bar','baz']

Merge multiple objects

It is possible to merge multiple objects at the same time, as the example below shows.

obj1      = { foo:{ foo:'baz' } },
obj2      = { foo:{ bar:'qux' } },
obj3      = { bar:{ baz:'qux' } },
deepmerge = core.locate('core/deepmerge')

deepmerge.merge(obj1, obj2, obj3)

In above example, after merge, obj1 will hold the following value.


In the above example 3 different objects are merged. There is no limit by the component how many objects you can merge at the same time.

Merge conflicts

If a conflict in the merge is present, then the last object in the merge will be prioritized as the resulting value.

obj1      = { foo:'bar' },
obj2      = { foo:'baz' },
deepmerge = core.locate('core/deepmerge')

deepmerge.merge(obj1, obj2)

In above example, after merge, obj1 will hold the following value.


As the example above shows, the foo reference was present in both objects. A string can not be extended by the core/deepmerge component, and will therefor replace the value.